www.qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/winqi_download.htmThe Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Quality Indicators Windows Application is a tool to assist quality improvement efforts in acute care hospital settings.
Using hospital discharge data from your organization, the application facilitates the review of individual cases flagged by the AHRQ Quality Indicators and calculates basic rates for comparison with peers.
The single application includes all of the AHRQ QI modules: Prevention Quality Indicators, Patient Safety Indicators, and Inpatient Quality Indicators.
The AHRQ Quality Indicators Windows Application is intended as a tool for individual hospitals that do not have access to the statistical software packages required by the currently available SAS and SPSS syntax.
The AHRQ QI Windows Application Version 1.0 requires Microsoft Windows 2000 or Microsoft Windows XP, with the Microsoft.NET platform and an available Microsoft SQL Server database. A public-use version of Microsoft .NET and the SQL Server database are included with the software.