This report from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) reviews and makes recommendations for using integrated measures of morbidity and mortality (such as quality-adjusted life years, or QALYs); reporting cost-effectiveness ratios; and data and research needs to improve regulatory cost-effectiveness analysis.
It also considers the ethical implications of using cost-effectiveness analysis, and integrated measures of health impact, in regulatory policy development.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
IOM - Valuing Health for Regulatory Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Monday, January 30, 2006
Int J Qual Health Care - Challenging the world: patient safety and health care-associated infection
Didier Pittet and Liam Donaldson
International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2006 18(1):4-8
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]
A research agenda for patient safety
Thomas V. Perneger
Int J Qual Health Care 2006 18: 1-3
[Extract] [Full Text] [PDF]
Int J Qual Health Care - Use of risk-adjusted change in health status to assess the performance of integrated service networks in the Veterans Health
Selim AJ, Berlowitz D, Fincke G, Rogers W, Qian S, Lee A, Cong Z, Selim BJ, Ren XS, Rosen AK, Kazis LE.
International Journal for Quality in Health Care . 2006 Feb;18(1):43-50.
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]
Friday, January 27, 2006
Medical Care - Readiness to Report Medical Treatment Errors
The Effects of Safety Procedures, Safety Information, and Priority of Safety.
Eitan Naveh, Tal Katz-Navon, Zvi Stern,
Medical Care. 44(2):117-123, February 2006.
Abstract HTML PDF
Medical Care - Comparison of Administrative Data and Medical Records to Measure the Quality of Medical Care Provided to Vulnerable Older Patients.
Catherine H. MacLean, Rachel Louie, Paul G. Shekelle, Carol P. Roth, Debra Saliba, Takahiro Higashi, John Adams, John T. Chang, Caren J. Kamberg, David H. Solomon, Roy T. Young, Neil S. Wenger
Medical Care. 44(2):141-148, February 2006.
Abstract HTML PDF
Thursday, January 26, 2006
IHI - Safety Climate Survey
Organizations working to develop or improve a culture of safety need a reliable measure to monitor the success of their initiatives.
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) in collaboration with The Center of Excellence for Patient Safety Research & Practice at the University of Texas develop this survey tool to gain information about the perceptions of front-line clinical staff about safety in their clinical area.
Safety Climate Survey 2005 (IHI Tool)
Safety Climate Survey 2005 Benchmarking Data
Safety Climate Survey Calculation Spreadsheet 2005 (IHI Tool)
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
NPSA - Incident Decision Tree
The Incident Decision Tree is a key component of the National Patient Safety Agency’s (NPSA) drive to help the NHS move away from asking “Who was to blame?” to “Why did the individual act in this way?” when things go wrong.
The Incident Decision Tree has been created to help NHS managers and senior clinicians decide whether they need to suspend (exclude) staff involved in a serious patient safety incident and to identify appropriate management action.
The aim is to promote fair and consistent staff treatment within and between healthcare organisations.
The Incident Decision Tree complements the NPSA’s Root Cause Analysis toolkit and the two can be used in parallel.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
NHS - Discharge from hospital pathway, process and practice
This learning material from the United Kingdom Department of Health's is designed to help senior staff and practitioners in acute hospitals and their partners in local authorities and primary care trusts to improve the discharge care pathway of adults who have complex discharge needs.
Monday, January 23, 2006
JAMA - The 100 000 Lives Campaign
Setting a Goal and a Deadline for Improving Health Care Quality
Donald M. Berwick, MD, MPP, FRCP; David R. Calkins, MD, MPP; C. Joseph McCannon, BA; Andrew D. Hackbarth, BA
JAMA. 2006;295:324-327
Friday, January 20, 2006
Ann Fam Med - The break-even point
when medical advances are less important than improving the fidelity with which they are delivered
Woolf SH, Johnson RE.
Ann Fam Med. 2005 Nov-Dec;3(6):545-52
[Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental data: Figure]
HSC - Can Money Buy Quality?
Physician Response to Pay for Performance
pdf html
Thursday, January 19, 2006
AHRQ - The Hospital Built Environment
What Role Might Funders of Health Services Research Play?
AHRQ Publication No. 05-0106-EF, October 2005.
A literature review and interviews with architects, designers, academics, and health care executives were conducted between February and May of 2005, in an attempt to determine if associations exist between hospital building design elements and patient and staff safety, health outcomes, and patient and staff satisfaction levels.
The findings were used to bring focus to the challenges of evidence-based hospital design and the roles that funders might play in the development and transfer of knowledge related to the constructed hospital environment.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
BMJ - ABC of health informatics
Health and the future: promise or peril?
Jeremy C Wyatt and Frank Sullivane
BMJ, Dec 2005; 331: 1391 - 1393
Full text PDF
Communication and navigation around the healthcare system
Jeremy C Wyatt and Frank Sullivan
BMJ, Dec 2005; 331: 1325 - 1327
Full text PDF
Improving services with informatics tools
Frank Sullivan and Jeremy C Wyatt
BMJ, Nov 2005; 331: 1190 - 1192
Full text PDF
Keeping up: learning in the workplace
Jeremy C Wyatt and Frank Sullivan
BMJ, Nov 2005; 331: 1129 - 1132
Full text PDF
Referral or follow-up?
Frank Sullivan and Jeremy C Wyatt
BMJ, Nov 2005; 331: 1072 - 1074
Full text PDF
How computers help make efficient use of consultations
Frank Sullivan and Jeremy C Wyatt
BMJ, Oct 2005; 331: 1010 - 1012
Full text PDF
How informatics tools help deal with patients' problems
Frank Sullivan and Jeremy C Wyatt
BMJ, Oct 2005; 331: 955 - 957
Full text PDF
How computers can help to share understanding with patients
Frank Sullivan and Jeremy C Wyatt
BMJ, Oct 2005; 331: 892 - 894
Full text PDF
How decision support tools help define clinical problems
Frank Sullivan and Jeremy C Wyatt
BMJ, Oct 2005; 331: 831 - 833
Full text PDF
Why is this patient here today?
Frank Sullivan and Jeremy C Wyatt
BMJ, Sep 2005; 331: 678 - 680
Full text PDF
Is a consultation needed?
Frank Sullivan and Jeremy C Wyatt
BMJ, Sep 2005; 331: 625 - 627
Full text PDF
What is health information?
Jeremy C Wyatt and Frank Sullivan
BMJ, Sep 2005; 331: 566 - 568
Full text PDF
Monday, January 16, 2006
Health Affairs - U.S. Hospitals: Mission Vs. Market
January/February 2006 - Volume 25, Number 1
The new issue of Health Affairs focuses entirely on hospitals, including studies on quality, reporting, pay-for-performance and other new technology.
Friday, January 13, 2006
AHRQ - 2005 Annual Patient Safety and HIT Conference Proceedings
This document provides a synopsis of the major findings from the 2005 Patient Safety and Health IT Conference as well as lists of various tools and products developed.
For greater detail, including power point presentations and video recordings of select presentations go to:
Download the conference proceedings (MS-Word, 536KB)
Thursday, January 12, 2006
AHRQ - A Toolkit for Redesign in Health Care
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
This toolkit presents strategies for comprehensively redesigning and transforming processes of care in a hospital.
It includes a discussion of the forces that compel health care systems to embark on redesign or system transformation; a series of steps to be taken in planning for such as redesign or system transformation; and strategies for translating information gathered into proposed projects for implementation.
This toolkit was prepared for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) by Denver Health, a partner in AHRQ's Integrated Delivery System Research Network.
Select for print version (PDF File, 350 KB).
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
AHRQ Releases 2005 National Healthcare Quality And Disparities Reports
Press Release, January 9, 2006.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
These reports, issued annually, measure quality and disparities in four key areas of health care in U.S.: effectiveness, patient safety, timeliness, and patient centeredness.
The 2005 National Healthcare Quality Report finds that overall quality of care for all Americans improved at a rate of 2.8 percent, the same increase shown in last year's report. However, the report notes there has been much more rapid improvement in some measures, especially where there have been focused efforts to improve care.
The 2005 National Healthcare Disparities Report finds that many of the largest disparities in measures of quality and access are observed for low-income people regardless of race or ethnicity, with some signs of improvement.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Monday, January 09, 2006
Am J Med Qual - Dual-system use
are there implications for risk adjustment and quality assessment?
Rosen AK, Gardner J, Montez M, Loveland S, Hendricks A.
Am J Med Qual. 2005 Jul-Aug;20(4):182-94
Friday, January 06, 2006
Health Serv Res - CAHPS Hospital Survey Special issue
This special issue of Health Services Research focuses on Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) Hospital Survey
December 2005 - Vol. 40 Issue 6p2 Page 1973-2181
Measuring Hospital Care from the Patients' Perspective: An Overview of the CAHPS® Hospital Survey Development Process
Goldstein, Elizabeth; Farquhar, Marybeth; Crofton, Christine; Darby, Charles; Garfinkel, Steven
Review of the Literature on Survey Instruments Used to Collect Data on Hospital Patients' Perceptions of Care
Castle, Nicholas G.; Brown, Julie; Hepner, Kimberly A.; Hays, Ron D.
What Do Consumers Want to Know about the Quality of Care in Hospitals?
Sofaer, Shoshanna; Crofton, Christine; Goldstein, Elizabeth; Hoy, Elizabeth; Crabb, Jenny
Role of Cognitive Testing in the Development of the CAHPS® Hospital Survey
Levine, Roger E.; Fowler, Floyd J.; Brown, Julie A.
Methods Used to Streamline the CAHPS® Hospital Survey
Keller, San; O'Malley, A. James; Hays, Ron D.; Matthew, Rebecca A.; Zaslavsky, Alan M.; Hepner, Kimberly A.; Cleary, Paul D.
Exploratory Factor Analyses of the CAHPS® Hospital Pilot Survey Responses across and within Medical, Surgical, and Obstetric Services
O'Malley, A. James; Zaslavsky, Alan M.; Hays, Ron D.; Hepner, Kimberly A.; Keller, San; Cleary, Paul D.
Patterns of Unit and Item Nonresponse in the CAHPS® Hospital Survey
Elliott, Marc N.; Edwards, Carol; Angeles, January; Hambarsoomians, Katrin; Hays, Ron D.
Equivalence of Mail and Telephone Responses to the CAHPS® Hospital Survey
Vries, Han; Elliott, Marc N.; Hepner, Kimberly A.; Keller, San D.; Hays, Ron D.
Assessment of the Equivalence of the Spanish and English Versions of the CAHPS® Hospital Survey on the Quality of Inpatient Care
Hurtado, Margarita P.; Angeles, January; Blahut, Steven A.; Hays, Ron D.
Case-Mix Adjustment of the CAHPS® Hospital Survey
O'Malley, A. James; Zaslavsky, Alan M.; Elliott, Marc N.; Zaborski, Lawrence; Cleary, Paul D.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Am J Nurs - State of the Science on Safe Medication Administration
March 2005, Volume 105, Issue 3 supplement
Making Medication Administration Safe: Report challenges nurses to lead the way
Kathleen G. Burke, Diana J. Mason
Discussion & Recommendations: Safe Medication Administration: An invitational symposium recommends ways of addressing obstacles
Errors from the Consumer’s Perspective: Tragedy motivated one woman to take action
Ilene Corina
Executive Summary: The State of the Science on Safe Medication Administration symposium
Kathleen G. Burke
How We Think About Medication Errors: A model and a charge for nurses
Victoria L. Rich
Medication Errors: Why they happen, and how they can be prevented
Ronda G. Hughes, Eduardo Ortiz
Medication Reconciliation: Transfer of medication information across settings—keeping it free from error
Jane H. Barnsteiner
Technology and Safe Medication Administration
Mark Crawford, Janet Mullan, et al.
Toward Safer IV Medication Administration: The narrow safety margins of many IV medications make this route particularly dangerous
Patrice K. Nicholas, Christine R. Agius
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
J Clin Epidemiol - An Analysis of Administrative Data...
An Analysis of Administrative Data Found that Proximate Clinical Event Ratios Provided a Systematic Approach to Identifying Possible Iatrogenic Risk Factors or Complications.
Qual Saf Health Care - Supplements on Safety
Organisations and safety in healthcare
Quality and Safety in Health Care 2004 Dec; 13 (Suppl 2) : 1-56.
Patient safety methodology
Quality and Safety in Health Care 2003 Dec; 12 (Suppl 2) : 1-72.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Health Serv Res - Measurement special issue
This special issue of Health Services Research focuses on measurement issues in health services research and on the potential contributions of measurement toward quality improvement efforts.
October 2005 - Vol. 40 Issue 5p2 Page 1571-1711
Health Services Research: Critical Measurement Issues
Shirley Meehan, PhD, MBA
Measurement in Veterans Affairs Health Services Research: Veterans as a Special Population
Robert O. Morgan, PhD et al.
Validity of Measures Is No Simple Matter
Lee Sechrest, PhD
Integrating Validity Theory with Use of Measurement Instruments in Clinical Settings
P. Adam Kelly, PhD, MBA et al.
Measuring Diagnoses: ICD Code Accuracy
Kimberly J. O'Malley, PhD et al.
Measurement Issues in Health Disparities Research
Mildred Ramirez, PhD et al.
Conceptualizing and Categorizing Race and Ethnicity in Health Services Research
Marvella E. Ford, PhD et al.
Proxies and Other External Raters: Methodological Considerations
A. Lynn Snow, PhD et al.
Dynamic Assessment of Health Outcomes: Time to Let the CAT Out of the Bag?
Karon F. Cook, PhD et al.
Monday, January 02, 2006
AHRQ - Medical Teamwork and Patient Safety
The Evidence-based Relation
This paper present evidence to support the relation between team training and patient safety. It extends earlier work by Pizzi and colleagues who argue that Crew Resource Management (CRM) training has a great deal of potential as a safe patient practice.
Training medical professionals to operate as a well-coordinated team should enhance patient safety and lead to a reduction in medical errors.
PDF File